Fixing Hearthstone: My Adventure with Tech Support

So, I’m going to forgo my usual review routine to share a story.

One of the video games I play a lot in my spare time—my roommate can attest to this—is Hearthstone. It’s a collectible card game produced by the people (Blizzard Entertainment) behind and set in the universe of World of Warcraft. It’s free-to-play, pay-to-win, and available for PC, Mac, and most mobile devices.

I’m bringing this up because a few weeks ago, it stopped working on my computer a couple weeks back.

Naturally, I contacted Blizzard’s customer services. A few computer reports later, and the guy on the other end said that it was because I have a program called Covenant Eyes on my computer.

I swear, this post isn’t sponsored by anyone.

Covenant Eyes is an accountability software I’ve had on my computer for quite some time. I recommend it, even though it is buggy, but I’ll get to that in a minute.

I then turned around and contacted Covenant Eyes’ tech support, and they walked me through uninstalling the version I had and re-installing a version more suited for online gaming. Hearthstone works now, and I’ve been playing it for the past couple days.

I’m sharing this for two reasons. First, my situation was quite specific. I wanted to put this out online in case anyone else had this problem. Second, I’m not sharing this to slam Covenant Eyes or Blizzard Entertainment. Both companies have made excellent products, and the two people I spoke to were very timely and very helpful, and I wanted to address that.

For those with Covenant Eyes, I recommend switching over to Version 7.2.47, as it doesn’t automatically block online games like Hearthstone or League of Legends. It works just as fine as the others.

For those with Hearthstone…you have good taste in games; keep it up.


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2 thoughts on “Fixing Hearthstone: My Adventure with Tech Support

  1. sucks that there wasnt something we could add to the “allow list” to make this happen. Also I guess I have to contact support to nab a link to the previous covenant eyes version… yay.


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